阿仑单抗,阿仑单抗注射剂Campath(Alemtuzumab injection)

药店国别:产地国家:美国 处方药:所属类别: 30毫克/毫升/瓶 3瓶/盒 包装规格: 30毫克/毫升/瓶 3瓶/盒 计价单位:生产厂家中文参考译名:生产厂家英文名:ILEX PHARMACEUTICALS 原产地英文商品名:CAMPATH 30MG/ML/VIAL 3VIALS/BOX 原产地英文药品名:ALEMTUZUMAB 中文参考商品译名:坎帕斯 30毫克/毫升/瓶 3瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名:阿仑单抗 曾用名:


部份中文阿仑单抗处方资料(仅供参考) 中文药名:Campath(Alemtuzumab)injection 英文药名:阿仑单抗注射剂


Campath(ALEMTUZUMAB 欧洲商品名 Mabcampath) 公司:Campath(阿仑单抗[alemtuzumab])注射,用于静脉注射 最初的美国批准:2001年 警告:CYTOPENIAS,输液反应和感染查看完整的盒装警告的完整处方信息。严重的,包括致命的,血细胞减少,输液反应和感染可能发生。 限制剂量:为30毫克(单)和90毫克(每周累计);更高剂量增加全血细胞减少的风险。 逐渐升高剂量并在输注期间监测患者。预防3级或4级输液反应的疗法。预防卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎(PCP)和疱疹病毒感染。 最近的主要变化警告和注意事项:3/2009 作用机制 Campath结合CD52,存在于B和T淋巴细胞表面的抗原,大部分单核细胞,巨噬细胞,NK细胞和粒细胞亚群。 一部分骨髓细胞,包括一些CD34 +细胞,表达不同水平的CD52。 所提出的作用机制是Campath与白血病细胞的细胞表面结合后的抗体依赖性细胞介导的溶解。 指征和用法 Campath是指示为用于治疗B细胞慢性淋巴细胞白血病(B-CLL)的单一药剂的CD52定向的细胞溶解抗体。 用法和管理 静脉滴注2小时以上。升级为推荐剂量30毫克/天,每周三次,持续12周。给药前用口服抗组胺药和对乙酰氨基酚。 用量形式和强度:30毫克/1毫升单次使用小瓶。 禁忌症:没有。 警告和注意事项 血细胞减少症:治疗期间每周一次获取全血计数(CBC)和血小板计数,治疗后计数CD4,直至恢复至≥200个细胞/μL。停止自身免疫性或严重血液学不良反应。 感染:Campath诱导严重和持续的淋巴细胞减少,并增加感染的风险。如果发生严重感染,则停止治疗直至感染消退。不要给最近接受Campath的患者使用活病毒疫苗。 不良反应 最常见的不良反应(≥10%):血细胞减少,输液反应,巨细胞病毒(CMV)等感染,恶心,呕吐,腹泻和失眠。 如何提供/储存和处理 Campath(alemtuzumab)以一次性使用透明玻璃瓶提供,其中含有30 mg阿仑单抗,溶于1 mL溶液。 每个纸箱包含三个Campath样品瓶(NDC 50419-357-03)或一个Campath样品瓶(NDC 50419-357-01)。储存Campath在2-8°C(36-46°F)。 不要冻结。 如果意外冻结,在给药前在2-8°C解冻。 避免阳光直射。 阿仑单抗Campath(坎帕斯 ALEMTUZUMAB 欧洲商品名: Mabcampath)Campath(MabCampath)— 人源化单克隆抗体-已被应用于前T细胞性白血病(T-PLL)及外周T细胞淋巴瘤的治疗Campath(欧洲商品名:MabCampath)是第一个对烷化剂或福达华治疗无效的患者仍具有显着疗效的药物。根据一项国际II期临床研究结果显示,经其它药物治疗复发或难治的CLL患者用Campath治疗后?可使其生存期显着延长1倍以上。 目前,有关专家正致力于研究该药的新用法及联合用药,如研究与福达华等联合应用的疗效。Campath是CD52抗体,可与表面携带CD52抗原的细胞相结合从而启动细胞破坏过程。通过这一方式,Campath可以清除外周血、骨髓及其它累及器官的淋巴细胞。 由于T淋巴细胞同样携带CD52抗原,Campath已被成功地应用于前T细胞性白血病(T-PLL)及外周T细胞淋巴瘤的治疗。作为对福达华的补充,Campath在非清髓性移植中也发挥着重要作用。 目前,已有越来越多的肿瘤专家在早期治疗中选择“坎帕斯Campath(MabCampath)注射液 ▲MabCampath为第一及现时唯一一种被美国药物及食物管理局准许使用在B细胞型 CLL 的新的药物。 ▲MabCampath是一种单克隆抗体,能有效对化疗没有效用的病人产生疗效。 ▲MabCampath的原理是针对CD52抗原,这种抗原主要分布在B及T细胞的表面。 ▲MabCampath由于是一种抗体,会在淋巴细胞表面与CD 52抗原结合,并会引导身体的免疫系统破坏及吞噬在血液及骨髓结合后的细胞。


CampathCompany: Berlex LaboratoriesApproval Status: Approved May 2001Treatment for: LeukemiaAreas: Diabetes / Endocrinology; Cancer & OncologyGeneral InformationCampath, a humanized monoclonal antibody, has been approved as an injectable treatment for B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia(B-CLL).Campath is designed for use in B-CLL patients who have been treated with alkylating agents and have failed fludarabine therapy.This drug gives refractory B-CLL patients a new hope for treatment, as there are no other approved therapeutic options.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the most preva lent form of leukemia in adults and affects approximately 120,000 patients in the United States and Europe.B-CLL is characterized by an accumulation of leukemic lymphocytes in the bone marrow, blood, and other body tissues.This accumulation leads to bone marrow dysfunction and enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen.Related symptoms of the disease include fatigue, bone pain, night sweats, decreased appetite, and weight loss.Clinical ResultsCampath was eva luated in a multi-center, open-label, noncomparative study of 93 B-CLL patients previously treated with alkylating agents, who had failed fludarabine treatment. There were also two supportive, multi-center, open-label, noncomparative trials of Campath enrolling a total of 56 B-CLL patients. Results were determined by objective tumor response rates and duration of response, as defined by the NCI Working Group Response Criteria.In the largest of the three trials, an overall response rate of 33 percent was observed, with a median duration of seven months. A 30 percent mortality rate was recorded, either during the study or within six months of its completion. Half of these deaths were due to progression of the disease, while the other half were related to Campath therapy.Adverse events associated with Campath therapy included infusion-related events, infections, and hematological toxicity.Side EffectsAdverse events associated with the use of Campath therapy may include (but are not limited to) the following:NeurotropeniaFever and rigorsAnemiaThrombocytopeniaSepsisPneumoniaNauseaVomitingRashHypotensionMechanism of ActionCampath (alemtuzumab) works by binding to the CD52 antigen that is present on the surface of the malignant lymphocytes. After binding, the drug induces antibody-dependent lysis, or killing.This causes the removal of malignant lymphocytes from the blood, bone marrow, and other affected organs.Additional InformationFor additional information on Campath, please visit Campath.
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