Balziva 28 day Tablets(复合乙炔基雌二醇/炔诺酮片)说明书

[caption id="attachment_23594" align="alignleft" width="300"] Balziva 28 day Tablets(复合乙炔基雌二醇/炔诺酮片)[/caption]   药店国别:   产地国家:美国   处 方 药:   所属类别:(0.4毫克/35微克)/片 168片/盒   包装规格:(0.4毫克/35微克)/片 168片/盒   计价单位:   生产厂家中文参考译名:BARR   生产厂家英文名:BARR   原产地英文商品名:BALZIVA 28(OVCON-35 GENERIC) (0.4MG/35MCG)/TAB 168TABS/BOX   原产地英文药品名:Ethinyl/estradiol Norethindrone   中文参考商品译名:BALZIVA 28(OVCON-35仿制药) (0.4毫克/35微克)/片 168片/盒   中文参考药品译名:乙炔基雌二醇/炔诺酮   简介:   部份中文Balziva-28处方资料(仅供参考)   药理作用:   属19-去甲基睾酮类合成口服孕激素药物。有较强的孕激素活性和轻度的雄激素活性。   适应症:   1.为口服避孕药。   2.用于治疗功能性子宫出血、妇女不育症、痛经、闭经、子宫内膜异位症、子宫内膜增生过度等。   用量用法:   1.用作短效口服避孕药:包括复方炔诺酮片、膜或纸片以及口服避孕片(膜)0号,从月经周期第5日开始服药,每日1片,晚饭后服用为宜(上夜班者早饭后服),连服22日,不能间断,服完等月经来后的第5日继续服药。   2.用作探亲避孕药:探亲避孕丸,于同居当晚开始服用,每晚1丸(5mg)同居10日之内,必须连服10丸;同居半个月,连服14丸;超过半个月者,服完14丸后接着改服短效口服避孕药,直至探亲期结束。   3.治疗功能性子宫出血:每8小时服1片炔诺酮片、膜或纸片(2.5mg)(紧急情况下每3小时服药1次,待流血明显减少后改为8小时1次),然后逐渐减量,直至维持量每日1次1片,再连服20日;也可在流血停止后,每日加服炔雌醇0.05mg或己烯雌酚1mg,共20日。   4.不育症:口服炔诺酮2.5mg和炔雌醇0.05mg,每日1次,连服20日,共3个周期。   5.痛经、子宫内膜异位症:于月经第5-7日开始,每日口服1次2.5mg,连服20日。   任何疑问,请遵医嘱!   规格:   每片含炔诺酮0.5mg和炔雌醇0.035mg;   每片含炔诺酮1mg和炔雌醇0.035mg。   炔诺酮双相片(Ortho-Novum10/11):开始10日,每片含炔诺酮0.5毫克和炔雌醇0.035毫克,继后11日,每片含相应药物1毫 克和0.035毫克。   注意事项   少数妇女可有恶心、呕吐、头昏、乏力、嗜睡等类早孕反应及不规则出血、闭经、乳房胀、皮疹等,一般可自行消失。   作为避孕药使用时应注意:   1.哺乳妇女服药后可能乳汁减少,故应于产后半年开始服用;人工流产者应来1次月经第5日开始用药。   2.漏服或迟服时避孕会失败,故必须每日定时服药;如漏服应在24小时内补服1次。   3.服药期间可能发生突破性出血,可每日加服炔雌醇0.005~0.015mg;一般会有经量减少、经期偏短现象,不必处理。   4.服药22日后,一般过3~4日即来月经;如第7日仍未见月经,应开始服用下1个月的药。若连续发生2~3个月闭经,就予停药;也可考虑加服炔雌醇每日0.005~0.01mg。   5.肝病、肾炎、乳房肿块病人忌用。有子宫肌瘤、高血压及肝、肾病史者慎用。   6.服避孕药的吸烟妇女并发心血管疾病(中风、心肌梗塞等)较不吸烟者多,因此,服避孕药妇女应停止吸烟,或吸烟妇女(特别是年龄超过35~40岁者)不宜服避孕药。   禁忌:   1. 严重的心血管疾病不宜使用;   2. 急、慢性肝炎或肾炎;   3. 血液病或血栓性疾病;   4. 内分泌疾病如需用胰岛素控制者、甲状腺功能亢进者;   5.恶性肿瘤、 癌前病变、子宫或乳房肿块者;   6.哺乳期(但可在医生的指导下使用只含孕激素的避孕药);   7.原因不明的阴道异常出血;   8.精神病生活不能自理者;   9.吸烟者(特别是年龄超过35岁以上并且吸烟者);   10. 怀孕中或可能怀孕的妇女;   Balziva   Balziva is a type of hormone medication used as a contraceptive or birth control pill. It contains 2 hormones, progestin and an estrogen. This pill prevents pregnancy using several methods: the first method is through preventing the release of an egg, second is changing the cervical mucus, and third is changing the womb lining which inhibits implantation. All three of these methods make it very difficult for an egg and sperm to successfully fertilize. Balziva is shown to make your period more regular, decrease blood loss and make periods less painful. Birth control pills are also known to reduce the risk of having an ovarian cyst. Birth control pills do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like HIV, chlamydia, or gonorrhea.   Take Balziva exactly as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Review the information that comes with this medication every time you get a refill. This information is very important and it will instruct you on what to do if you miss a dose. Take this medication once a day at the same time. It is best if you can get into a routine and take it when it is easy to remember. Many people who take this do it before breakfast or dinner, because taking the pill on an empty stomach causes stomach upset or nausea.   Like taking other medications Balziva can cause side effects. These are generally not serious but if they are severe or do not go away contact your doctor immediately:   ■Nausea   ■Vomiting   ■Headache   ■Stomach cramping/bloating   ■Dizziness   ■Vaginal discomfort/irritation   ■Increase vaginal fluids   ■Breast tenderness/enlargement   ■Acne may improve or get worse   ■Vaginal bleeding between periods or missed/irregular periods may occur   ■If you miss 2 periods in a row or one period if the pill has not been used properly contact your doctor for a pregnancy test.   If you experience any serious side effects contact your doctor immediately, serious side effects include:   ■Changes in vaginal bleeding (Continuous spotting, sudden heavy bleeding, missed periods)   ■Problem wearing contact lenses   ■Dar patches of skin (melisma)   ■Unwanted facial/body hair   ■Swelling of the feet/ankles   ■Weight changes (gain or loss)   If you experience any other side effects while taking Balziva contact your doctor immediately. Balziva may cause similar side effects to IUD devices. IUD side effects include:   ■Mood changes   ■Acne   ■Headaches   ■Breast tenderness   ■Pelvic pain   ■Cramping (copper IUD)   ■Increase bleeding during menstruation (copper IUD)   ■Nausea   Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications prior to taking Balziva. If you have any other questions or concerns call your doctor for answers.
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