盐酸表柔比星注射溶液FARMORUBICIN RD Trockensub 10mg Ampulle(Epirubicin)说明书

药店国别: 产地国家:瑞士 处方药:是 所属类别: 10毫克/安瓿 1安瓿 包装规格: 10毫克/安瓿 1安瓿 计价单位:生产厂家中文参考译名: 生产厂家英文名:Pfizer PFE Switzerland GmbH 原产地英文商品名:FARMORUBICIN RD Trockensub 10mg Ampulle 1Stk 原产地英文药品名:Epirubicin HCL 中文参考商品译名:FARMORUBICIN RD注射溶液 10毫克/安瓿 1安瓿 中文参考药品译名:盐酸表柔比星 曾用名: 简介: 部份中文表柔比星处方资料(仅供参考)通用名:注射用盐酸表柔比星商品名:FARMORUBICIN英文名:Epirubicin Hydrochloride成份艾达生主要成份为盐酸表柔比星。吸收、分布、消除肝肾功能正常的病人静脉注射表阿霉素50-150mg/m2后,广泛分布于组织中。药代动力学呈三房室模型-1其 和缓慢终末期,平均半衰期约40小时,艾达生主要代谢产物13-OH衍生物的血浆水平较低。表阿霉素主要在肝脏代谢,经胆汁消除。72小时内,40%的给药量由胆汁排出:48小时内。9-10%的给药量由尿排出。艾达生不通过血脑屏障。 适应症 治疗恶性淋巴瘤、乳腺癌、软组织肉瘤、食道癌、胃癌、肝癌、胰腺癌、黑色素瘤、结肠直肠癌、卵巢癌、多发性骨髓瘤、白血病。 用法用量 常规剂量:表阿霉素单独用药时成人剂量为60-90mg/m2体表面积,静脉注射,3-5分钟内注入体内。根据病人血象可间隔21天重复使用。高剂量:若单独使用表阿霉素治疗肺癌时,应按下述方案给药:未经治疗的小细胞肺癌120mg/m2体表面积/日,每三周一次。未经治疗的非小细胞肺癌(鲮状上皮细胞肺癌,大细胞肺癌或肺腺癌):135mg/m2体表面积/日,每三周一次;或455mg/m2体表面积/日,每三周的、二、三天各一次。对因以往化疗、放疗、老年或骨髓造血功能不良的病人,可用小剂量(即常规剂量的60-75mg/m2体表面积)治疗。每个疗程的总量分2-3次使用。由于表阿霉素经肝胆系统排泄,故肝功能不全者应减量,以免蓄积中毒。中度肝功能受损患者(胆红素1.4-3mg/100ml或BPS滞留量9-15%),药量应减少50%,重度肝功能受损者(胆红素>3mg/100ml或BPS滞留量>15%),药量应减少75%。中度肾功能受损者无需减少剂量,因为仅少量的 药物经肾脏排出。 用法为静脉给药。建议先注入生理盐水检查输液管及注射针头确实在静脉内之后,在经此通畅的输液管给药。这一方法可减少药物外溢的危险,并确保给药后静脉用盐水冲洗。表阿霉素注射时溢出会造成组织的严重损伤甚至坏死。小静脉注射或反复注射同一血管会造成静脉硬化。表阿霉素不可与肝素混合,因为二者化学性质不配伍,在一定浓度时会发生沉淀反应。 表阿霉素可与其他抗肿瘤药物合用,但表阿霉素用量应减低,不应在同一注射器中混合药物。不良反应除骨髓抑制和心脏毒性的副作用外,还有以下几种不良反应:脱发,60-90%的病列可发生,一般可逆;男性有胡须生长受抑。粘膜炎,用药的第5-10天出现,通常发生在舌侧及舌下粘膜。高热。肠胃功能紊乱、寒颤、荨麻疹等过敏反应。禁忌禁用于因用化疗或放疗而造成明显骨髓抑制的病人、已用过大剂量蒽环类药物(如阿霉素或柔红霉素)的病人,以及近期或即往有心脏受损病史的病人。 英文版说明书 Farmorubicin Rd Trockensubstanz 10mg Ampullen 1StückFarmorubicin RD Injection falls under a category of drugs called anthracycline which is used for chemotherapy. It may also be referred to by its trade name Ellence. Farmorubicin RD Injection is used mainly as an adjuvant drug in association with other kinds of medications for breast cancer treatment in women, especially after surgery has been carried out.It is an anti-cancer drug used in therapy. But be careful as Farmorubicin RD Injection is a vesicant. It needs to be injected into your veins by trained hands only; your doctor or nurse. Farmorubicin RD Injection is injected into your body through free-flowing (IV) solution.If Farmorubicin RD Injection escapes from your vein during the process of injecting, it may cause tissue damage or blisters which can be visible by redness or swelling.If such a mishap occurs inform your doctor immediately. Certain precautions that you must ensure to take before starting Farmorubicin RD Injection treatment are:Inform your doctor of existing medications that you are taking.Do not take Farmorubicin RD Injection if you are already pregnant or are planning to be anytime soon as it may cause threat to the fetus.Avoid this treatment also while you are breastfeeding your baby.Do not try to conceive while under Farmorubicin RD Injection treatment.For both men and women, use contraceptives.People with a history of heart failure or other heart related problems and those with bone marrow suppression diseases are prohibited from using this drug.Exposure to sun may cause problems. Extra care is advised to avoid sun exposure as much as it is possible.Side-effects associated with Farmorubicin RD Injection treatment maybe short –term or long-term effects which occur in about 10-29% of cases.These may include, darkening of the skin area where radiation has been applied, diarrhea, infection, etc. Seek help and supervision within 24 hours when you face symptoms like nausea, vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, bleeding, swelling and fast or irregular heart beat.Information given here is based on the salt and content of the medicine. Effect and uses of medicine may vary from person to person.It is advicable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.
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