拉布立酶注射剂FASTURTEC FOR INJ 1.5mg

药店国别: 产地国家:香港 处方药:所属类别: 1.5毫克/瓶 3瓶/盒 包装规格: 1.5毫克/瓶 3瓶/盒 计价单位:盒 生产厂家中文参考译名: 生产厂家英文名:Sanofi-Aventis Hong Kong 原产地英文商品名:FASTURTEC FOR INJ 1.5mg/vial 3vials/box 原产地英文药品名:rasburicase 中文参考商品译名:FASTURTEC注射剂 1.5毫克/瓶 3瓶/盒 中文参考药品译名:拉布立酶 曾用名: 简介:部份中文拉布立酶处方资料(仅供参考)商品名称: Fasturtec通用名称: 拉布立酶注射剂英文名称: Rasburicase汉语拼音:LaBuLiMeizhusheji适 应症本品为重组尿酸氧化酶,可用于治疗和预防具有高危肿瘤溶解综合征的血液恶性肿瘤病人的急性高尿酸血症,尤其适用于化疗引起的高尿酸血症病人。 用法用量 本品推荐剂量为一日0.20mg/kg,于30分钟内静脉滴注。用药时加至50ml的9mg/ml氯化钠溶液(0.9%w/v)中。本品治疗时间一般为5~7天。本品用药不影响化疗药物的用药时间和化疗方案。但输注本品的输注管不应与输注化疗药物的同用,以预防可能的药的间的不相容性。如不能使用不同的输液管,则应在输注化疗药物和本品之间使用氯化钠溶液洗净。 不良反应 使用本品可能出现的常见不良反应有发热,拉布立酶疗效恶心,呕吐和皮疹。发生率分别为6.8%,1.7%,1.4%和1.4%。腹泻(0.9%),头痛0.9%,过敏(0.6%)等较少见。 注意事项 本品禁用于对尿酸氧化酶或辅料过敏者。G-6-PD缺乏以及其他细胞代谢异常者易出现贫血,故也禁用本品。尚无有关本品对孕妇影响的资料,也未见有关动物试验报道。拉布立酶哪里卖本品不宜用于孕妇和哺乳期妇女。有特应性变态反应史病人慎用本品。尚未见有关本品的代谢研究,但认为本品与其他药物未必会发生相互作用。本品为一种蛋白质,因而可能诱导抗体产生。再次给药后可能增加过敏反应或使临床作用受到限制。但大多数病人在接受一个疗程本品治疗后,在以后的化疗中可以换用别嘌醇。拉布立酶多少钱Piu等在121例病人中检测到14%病人出现抗体,但Goldman等在23例病人中进行的研究则未见病人出现抗体。 规 格: 1.5mg/3(支)/盒 7.5mg/1(支) x 5ml/盒 贮  藏: 低温,避光保存。 拉布立酶注射剂英文版说明书 FASTURTEC(rasburicase)laboratorySanofiIntroducing FasturtecInject with lyophilic powder + diluent: Pack with 3 ml ampules containing 1.5 mg rasburicase and 3 ml 1 ml diluent.Fasturtec - IndicationsThis medicine is used for the prevention and prevention of acute hyperuricemia, to prevent malignant tumor patients with high hematologic malignancy burden, rapid tumor lysis, or reduced risk of renal failure at the beginning of chemotherapy (tumor lysis syndrome).Fasturtec's ContraindicationsFasturtec is banned for the following patients:- Allergic to uricase or any excipient.- Lack of G6PD or other cellular metabolic changes, increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and hemolytic anemia.caveatLike other proteins, Fasturtec may induce human allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock and/or anaphylactic shock, which may result in fatal outcomes. The clinical experience with Fastturtec suggests that patients should closely monitor allergic reactions (see section “9. Adverse reactions”). If a serious allergic reaction occurs, treatment should be stopped immediately and permanently and appropriate treatment measures should be initiated.There are currently insufficient data on patients who have received recommended or preventative treatment from Fasturtec. Anti-rasburicase antibodies were detected in both treated and healthy volunteers, but the clinical significance of this finding is still uncertain.The use of Fasturtec reduced uric acid levels below normal levels. This mechanism reduces the risk of renal function deterioration caused by precipitation of uric acid crystals in the renal tubules. Tumor lysis syndrome can also cause hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia. Fasturtec cannot treat these diseases directly and effectively.
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