盐酸表柔比星注射液epirubicin(ELLENCE injection 200mg/100mL)



所属类别 2毫克/毫升 200毫克/100毫升/瓶

包装规格 2毫克/毫升 200毫克/100毫升/瓶


生产厂家英文名Pfizer Inc.

原产地英文商品名Ellence sdv 2mg/ml 200mg/100ml/VIAL

原产地英文药品名epirubicin hydrochloride

中文参考商品译名艾伦斯注射剂 2毫克/毫升 200毫克/100毫升/瓶



抗癌药ELLENCE(EPIRUBICIN HYDROCHLORIDE 中文名:表柔比星)注射液是一种用于化疗的蒽环类药物。可以与其他药物联合使用,以治疗已经手术切除肿瘤的患者的乳腺癌、恶性淋巴瘤、小细胞肺癌、原发性肝癌、鼻咽癌和食管癌、软组织肉瘤、肾细胞癌、胰腺癌、肺腺癌、直肠癌、头颈癌。本品由辉瑞公司在美国以商品名Ellence上市。公司:辉瑞公司ELLENCE(盐酸表柔比星[epirubicin hydrochloride])注射液,供注射使用美国最初批准:1999年警告:严重或生命危险的血液学和其他不良反应查看完整的盒装警告的完整处方信息。在给药期间与外渗相关的严重局部组织坏死,心肌毒性,表现为最严重的可能性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)继发性急性髓性白血病(AML)减少肝功能受损患者的剂量严重的骨髓抑制仅在经历过使用癌症化学治疗剂的医生的监督下进行管理


适应症和用法:ELLENCE Injection是一种蒽环类拓扑异构酶II抑制剂,适用于有原发性乳腺癌切除术后腋窝淋巴结肿大的患者的辅助治疗成分。也可治恶性淋巴瘤、小细胞肺癌、原发性肝癌、鼻咽癌和食管癌、软组织肉瘤、肾细胞癌、胰腺癌、肺腺癌、直肠癌、头颈癌


剂量形式和强度:一次性使用含有2 mg盐酸表柔比星的小瓶作为无菌,无防腐剂,即用型溶液(50mg/25mL和200mg/100mL)



剂量依赖性,可逆性白细胞减少症和/或中性粒细胞减少症是与细胞相关的血液学毒性的显着表现,并且代表最常见的急性剂量限制性毒性。心脏毒性是已知的蒽环类治疗风险,可能由早期(或急性)或晚期(延迟)事件表现。已经报道了在患有嗜中性粒细胞白血病的患者中发生继发性急性髓性白血病,其具有或不具有白血病前期。在用ELLENCE治疗前和治疗期间应评估血清总胆红素和AST水平。胆红素或AST升高的患者可能会经历较慢的药物清除而总体毒性增加。这些患者建议使用较低剂量。尚未评估严重肝功能损害的患者。应在治疗前和治疗期间评估血清肌酐。血清肌酐> 5mg/dL的患者需要进行剂量调整。


它可能先于局部静脉炎或血栓性静脉炎。患者施用120mg/m 2的ELLENCE方案作为组合化疗的组成部分还应接受甲氧苄氨嘧啶 - 磺胺甲基异恶唑(例如,Septra®,Bactrim®)或氟喹诺酮的预防性抗生素治疗。ELLENCE是emetigenic。止吐药可以减少恶心和呕吐;在使用ELLENCE之前,应考虑预防性使用止吐药,特别是与其他药物联合使用时。在先前的放射疗法之后施用ELLENCE可以在照射部位诱导炎性回忆反应。血栓性静脉炎和血栓栓塞现象,包括肺动脉栓塞因使用ELLENCE而巧合地报道了栓塞(在某些情况下是致命的)。施用于孕妇时,ELLENCE可能会对胎儿造成伤害。为胎儿提供潜在风险的女性。




存储:冷藏至2ºC至8ºC(36ºF至46ºF)。 不要冻结。 避光。在冷藏条件下储存注射用溶液可导致凝胶化产物的形成。 在受控的室温(15-25℃)下,在2至最多4小时的平衡后,该凝胶化产物将恢复至轻微粘稠至流动的溶液。 注射溶液应在冷藏后24小时内使用。


EllenceGeneral InformationELLENCE Injection (epirubicin hydrochloride injection) is an anthracycline cytotoxic agent intended for intravenous administration. ELLENCE is supplied as a sterile, clear, red solution and is available in polypropylene vials containing 50 and 200 mg of epirubicin hydrochloride as a preservative-free, ready-to-use solution. Each milliliter of solution contains 2 mg of epirubicin hydrochloride. Inactive ingredients include sodium chloride, USP, and water for injection, USP. The pH of the solution has been adjusted to 3.0 with hydrochloric acid, NF. Epirubicin hydrochloride is the 4’-epimer of doxorubicin and is a semi-synthetic derivative of daunorubicin. The chemical name is (8S-cis)-10-[(3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-a-L-arabino- hexopyranosyl)oxy]-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,8,11-trihydroxy-8-(hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy-5,12- naphthacenedione hydrochloride. The active ingredient is a red-orange hygroscopic powder, with the empirical formula C27H29NO11HCl and a molecular weight of 579.95.Clinical ResultsTwo randomized, open-label, multicenter studies eva luated the use of ELLENCE Injection 100 to 120 mg/m 2 in combination with cyclophosphamide and fluorouracil for the adjuvant treatment of patients with axillary-node-positive breast cancer and no evidence of distant metastatic disease (Stage II or III). Study MA-5 eva luated 120 mg/m 2 of epirubicin per course in combination with cyclophosphamide and fluorouracil (CEF-120 regimen). This study randomized premenopausal and perimenopausal women with one or more positive lymph nodes to an epirubicin-containing CEF- 120 regimen or to a CMF regimen. Study GFEA-05 eva luated the use of 100 mg/m 2 of epirubicin per course in combination with fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide (FEC-100). This study randomized pre- and postmenopausal women to the FEC-100 regimen or to a lower-dose FEC-50 regimen. In the GFEA-05 study, eligible patients were either required to have > 4 nodes involved with tumor or, if only 1 to 3 nodes were positive, to have negative estrogen- and progesterone-receptors and a histologic tumor grade of 2 or 3. A total of 1281 women participated in these studies. Patients with T4 tumors were not eligible for either study.Side EffectsHematologic toxicity, cardiotoxicity can result. Patients should be informed of the expected adverse effects of epirubicin, including gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomatitis) and potential neutropenic complications.Mechanism of ActionIntravenously administered solution. Epirubicin is an anthracycline cytotoxic agent. Although it is known that anthracyclines can interfere with a number of biochemical and biological functions within eukaryotic cells, the precise mechanisms of epirubicin’s cytotoxic and/or antiproliferative properties have not been completely elucidated. Epirubicin forms a complex with DNA by intercalation of its planar rings between nucleotide base pairs, with consequent inhibition of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) and protein synthesis. Such intercalation triggers DNA cleavage by topoisomerase II, resulting in cytocidal activity. Epirubicin also inhibits DNA helicase activity, preventing the enzymatic separation of double-stranded DNA and interfering with replication and transcription. Epirubicin is also involved in oxidation/reduction reactions by generating cytotoxic free radicals. The antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of epirubicin is thought to result from these or other possible mechanisms. Epirubicin is cytotoxic in vitro to a variety of established murine and human cell lines and primary cultures of human tumors. It is also active in vivo against a variety of murine tumors and human xenografts in athymic mice, including breast tumors.

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